Thursday, March 17, 2011

It Is Spring, So No More Crocheting Wool Clothes :(

I love bulky yarns. The texture, the definition, the speed of knitting. But it is time to start playing with thin cotton threads. I like the delicateness of the result but it is soooo time consuming.

I crocheted this set to sell on Etsy but Z asked to keep it. He probably liked the Michigan colors. :-P
(The shorts photographed with sunlight, and the top - with a flash, hence the difference in colors)

There is such an abundance of this stuff on Etsy, and it doesn't seem to be selling well. Not sure if it is the price tag or just people not liking them?
I look forward to crocheting more bathing suits, though. They look unique and are so pretty when you add some lace.

My advice to you if you decide to crochet something like this and to use it for actual bathing - don't use cotton yarn. Use synthetic yarns. Cotton will get very heavy when it gets wet and it won't hold its shape. You may end up losing your suit in water, too. People around you probably would enjoy the sight, but... you know. Cotton bathing suits are good for just sunbathing/tanning and showing off on the beach.

I can't wait to crochet more for beach shows. :) Although, I should mention that I never swim or tan, but I dream that I will some day.

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